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Monday, August 5, 2013

Taiwan Week 62: Congratulations, It's A Boy!

Dear family and friends,
What a week. It was the most crazy I've ever had in my mission. For one, I'm training! It's so much fun. His name is Elder Teerlink. He's from Salt Lake City and went to the same school as Elder Bardsley. We're having a lot of fun. And let me tell you how. Here's the crazy:
Monday night while contacting, I got the call from President Blickenstaff saying he wanted me to train. I was excited and nervous. When me and Elder Feigleson got home, both the zone leaders were pacing on the phone talking at crazy speeds and there were suitcases on the floor. Turns out that Elder Limpanasriphong was called to go assistant! He's replacing Elder Allen, who is going home tomorrow. And he had to be up in Taizhong on Wednesday. So he was all over the place. And then the next thing, Elder Bardsley was called to train too! So our apartment became a two trainer apartment. So we were all over the place trying to get everything figured out.
Tuesday Elder Bardsley and I had to go to Gaoxiong for a training meeting for trainers. It was a lot of fun. There are 33 new missionaries, so 33 trainers. When we got back, Elder Limpanasriphong and Elder Feigleson were teaching one of our investigators, and we started teaching one of theirs. And it just kept happening back to back for a few hours. Oh yeah, and Sister Liu is training too. So our entire district is training now. That night we were all over the place trying to get everything in order some more.
Wednesday Elder Limpanasriphong got on a train in the morning, so we became a threesome for two days. We had a few lessons in the afternoon and then had to run all over the place to get ready for our English party that night as lightning was striking all around us. It struck a building right next to us. I've never been so terrified in my life. The English party was a lot of fun. We had a ton of people show up and they all had fun. We taught them all how to have an FHE for the spiritual share. It was cool, and most of them loved singing the hymns.
Thursday was super hard since we had weekly planning and helping Elder Feigleson get packed. So many people were moving in the zone, so we had to coordinate that. Then we had a service project out an hour away in the rain. It was actually really fun. It was for a part member part active family. And the dad, who isn't a member, really liked talking to us. We hurried and got showered and hopped on a train for a far away area to meet up with Chuson and Elder Cao because that's where Elder Feigleson was going to stay for the weekend. The train broke down and we had to wait. We made the exchange and made it back right before 10:00. And then it was just me and Elder Bardsley.
Friday we had a 5:45 train to Taizhong. It was nerve racking to wait to see who we're training. But not as scary as the new missionaries waiting to meet their trainer. We had a sweet meeting and then found out who is training who. When Elder Teerlink said my name, I was way excited, and Elder Bardsley was right behind me since we're in a 4-man. Elder Bardsley is training Elder Davies. They're both really cool. We ate at Hawaii 51, I said my final goodbye to Elder Allen and got a picture as grandfather, father, and son. All together. It was cute. We headed back and got back around 6:30. We had a good beef noodles and then had a rather messed up and funny lesson at a bear shop with Xie dixiong and Xu dixiong. They're cousins. They're very not together when they're together. It was hard to keep the lesson going without distractions. It was funny.
Saturday we had a few good lessons during the day. We met with Lin wei kai and shared the 1st. He really loved it and is way excited for his baptism. He just needs to meet with us more! Haha.
Sunday was really sweet. We had so many people show up to church. There were a ton of visitors. Lin wei kai came, but left a little early. There's a Liao family that was meeting with the Sisters before I got here. Because of family opposition from the grandparents, they stopped investigating. But they called up Sister Liu and said they want to come to church again. So they came! Sister Liu asked me if I wanted to co-teach them. Me and Sister Liu co-taught the Ke family in Tainan together. She thinks us working with the dad will help they're family get baptized. So we're doing it again! And he's excited.   We then had a Single's FHE after church at a members house. Everyone in this ward is way excited to help us out. They're all excited to work with our new companions, since all of us are training!
Today our companions' luggage finally got here! It took a long time. We had a pretty relaxing day getting all they're new things bought. We had lunch with a Filipino investigator of Elder Bardsley's. It was good. And now here we are! Last week was so crazy. But it was really fun. And I'm really excited to keep it up!
I love you all! I miss you all. Don't forget to write!
Love, Elder Anthony Kai Buckwalter

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