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Monday, August 5, 2013

Taiwan Week 50: The Biggest Change Yet

Dear family and friends,
It's the start of a new transfer. And wow is it a big one. Elder Greer has moved to Tainan, and I have a Taiwanese companion! His name is Elder Gan. He's a super amazing missionary. He started his mission the same time as Elder Greer. So they know each other. It's super interesting because I'm in a 4-man with 3 Taiwanese missionaries. The one and only American. I didn't ever see that coming. But we're all having fun!
I'm also writing super early in the morning because we have the temple trip today! I'm super excited. It's thrown off our whole week though.
So last week we had some pretty great experiences. On Tuesday we had Zone Training Meeting in Zhanghua. It was on contacting. It was pretty good. I know I need to improve my contacting skills. Afterwards Elder Zhu came with me on exchanges. We didn't get back for so long. That night we went out to a less active in the middle of nowhere. He's the one with 6 or so dogs. When we got there, they were fixing to attack! The less active called us and gave us an excuse as to why he can't come out. Elder Zhu said "I'm not leaving until I get past these dogs and see this less active." So we ended getting up on the wall surrounding the house and walking along it. The dogs were just waiting for us to fall. It was so scary. But we got there!
Wednesday for English class we had our party! It was a lot of fun. Elder Greer and I introduced everyone to 4-square. They all loved it so much. And we made root beer from scratch. Everyone loved it.
Thursday we biked out to Erlin to meet a few investigators. We got really lucky to have all of them come through. Especially since they were in the most random places that they agreed to. So I hope they will keep wanting to meet with us! That night we biked out to this far away area to a guy that Elder Greer found on exchanges with Elder Yeh. He was pretty willing, but the rest of his family wasn't and wouldn't let us in. It was pretty sad.
Friday we biked out to the college and met some really cool kids. One lesson ended kinda bad, so we were feeling pretty down. But then out of nowhere I see a kid that was in my ward in Yuanlin! It was absolutely amazing. He said he was going to college there. I told him that if he lives at the school, he should go to the ward in Xihu because it's closer. He didn't even know Xihu had a ward. So he was super excited. He's so cool.
Saturday we got to skype home. I'm pretty happy for that. I love getting to see you guys! We then got to go down to Erlin again. There was a county wide youth basketball tournament going on at a school. So there were so many students everywhere! And a bunch of them were in our area! We got to sit down with a few of them and share about the church. They were even pretty excited about prayer. It was really cool.
Sunday morning we found out that Elder Greer was moving, so we were pretty down. It was a rough day, but we had a great lesson with our recent convert's mom. Her husband is a little iffy about her getting baptized. So we'll have to work with that. But our Peike was super great to help her keep feeling that it's the right thing to do.
Monday Elder Greer had an early train in Zhanghua. So I was waiting there for 3 hours with another missionary. Elder Gan came and we hurried back because Monday was a normal proselyting day. We had a few lessons scheduled that day that just perfectly fell through because of rain or got called into work at the last minute. It was rough. But we had a good time getting him to get to know the area.
Yesterday after DTM, we went biking all over our area. We had set up to meet a few members. A few of them in areas that I had never been to before. So it was a crazy day biking day. But we got to all of them on time! It was amazing. I was sweating so much.
And that's pretty much been my week. It's just been pretty crazy all over. But we're getting settled in and getting to work! I love you all! I'm so excited to go to the temple today! I love the feeling inside. I know that through the temple, families can be sealed together forever!
Love, Elder Anthony Kai Buckwalter

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