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Monday, August 5, 2013

Taiwan Week 58: Welcome To Miami! I Mean, Taiwan

Dear family and friends,
So before I forget, I saw Hayden Pugmire singing at the worldwide broadcast! I forgot to mention that last week.
So this week was super crazy! We had so many cool experiences! We as a zone are trying to focus on praying before everything. And the miracles have been flooding in! On Tuesday night we had a lesson fall through. We were just going to go out contacting, so we decided to say a prayer first. After the prayer, we both had the feeling to go find some less actives. After a few that weren't home, we got to one that was really willing to let us in. He has perfect english. After a few minutes, he asked if Elder Vandiford told us to go visit him. We were confused. Turns out, Elder Vandiford contacted him in Gaoxiong the day before. Also! He lives there now and we just happened to come looking for him on the one day he decided to visit his parents here. So it all came into place! It was so crazy. Since being baptized 10 years ago, he has joined another Christian church. He didn't feel like he was ready for our church when he got baptized and left really soon after. And ever since then, his desire to grow close to Christ has been growing. So he found another church and joined it. It just doesn't seem fully right to him though. This was like candy to me! It was such a huge miracle to find him.
Wednesday was all over the place. I'm helping Sister Liao pass off her phase 1, so we had to hurry and do that so I could meet Chuson and Elder Cao at the bus station. One of us Elders goes to their area every week and helps teach english. So I got to be with Chuson for the night! I got to meet their investigator that was getting baptized that Saturday. He is now baptized! It was so cool. Their English class is a little more relaxed. There isn't over 100 people like here in Pingdong. It was a lot of fun.
Thursday was Independence Day. I decorated my planner like crazy to celebrate, but our day was too packed to really celebrate. I was a little depressed about that. We had dinner with a member family that night. Their son is in Canada on a mission right now and I was in the MTC with him! Well I only got to see him for a few days. But they were all super nice.  Later, we had two lessons set up at the same time at the church. If you haven't noticed, a lot of people have the same last name. There's a lot of Chen, Ke, Lin, Huang, Li, Wang, etc. So a Huang guy called me and asked if we set up for that night or the next night. I thought it was the Huang that we were about to meet with. So he said he'd be there soon. The original Huang didn't show up, but this teenager did. I had never met him before, but he's met Elder Feigleson before. So I was really confused. And I was splitting with my companion, so I had no idea what this kid has heard before. It was such a fun night.
Friday was even more all over the place because there was a young men activity that the ward asked us to be over that was right in the middle of our weekly planning. So we were running all over the place to get as much done and make it to the activity. I was able to meet a bunch of the young men. They're pretty sweet.  We had lessons back to back to back. We had no time to contact that day. So we prayed for miracles in our final 30 minutes before we had to go home. While we were parking our bikes, we were self contacted by a boy and his dad in english. One of the first things the boy says is "What brings you to Miami? I mean uh Taiwan?" I told him I was a missionary and asked why he brought up Miami. He said he lives in Miami. His mom lives there and he visits his dad every summer. He doesn't really know Chinese anymore, but is learning again. His dad had pretty good english too and told us that we had to help his son join our church! I don't think he knew what that means in our church... Haha. But I'll take it! So they set up for church!
Saturday we had an amazing lesson with Kang. He's just this super smooth guy. He's got a goal for the 27th and is really determined. After the lesson, we were all just talking. There were a lot of people there. Then he just comes out and says he wants to know how to have a happy family! His desires just flooded out! So our peike, who is super cool and was the last ward mission leader, said we should have the next lesson at the Bishops house. Then perfectly, the bishop walks in! And it was all set up. What an amazing thing.
Sunday was so great! Rockie, the Miamian, came. Kang came. And our RC brought his friend! We were all over the place helping them. It was so great. They all loved it so much. It was just a great Sunday. Miracles everywhere.
That was my week. It was so good. I love you all! I miss you all too! That's all on this part for now. Until next week!
Love Elder Anthony Kai Buckwalter

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