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Monday, August 5, 2013

Taiwan Week 55: I Like Steak

Dear family and friends,
Last week was a good week. I guess every week is a good week if you look for the small miracles. It's those little things that lead to the big things. And there were some really good little things.  Tuesday I got to help Elder Zhu pass off another phase 1 lesson. It was fun. I was so incredibly tired. More tired than I have ever been in my life. I thought my body was going to fall apart. So his lesson was really good as he adapted the commandments to my needs. He's really good. We did English proselyting at a night market and ate dinner there. A nice sizzling steak on a skillet with noodles and papaya milk slushee. It was good. We then met with Chen mama and her family. It's like a bowl of water. It's completely full. It looks like it's bulging over. She's almost there, it's about to overflow. But it hasn't yet. It's super crazy. But we had a good night.
Wednesday at English I had a weird feeling. I don't know why. But something felt off. We talked about school. Everyone wanted to know all the differences between American school and Taiwan school. In the end they asked me about my school plan. I guess that could've tipped the weirdness because I need to start preparing soon for all that. But I gave them all my reeces peanut butter cups like I promised. They were all so happy.
Thursday we went on an epic adventure to find some less actives in our far away areas. It was so crazy. There is nothing out there. I was just biking through some fields, and then suddenly there were a ton of trees all around me. Then they all disappeared. Then they came back. Then I saw a house. Then a pig in the field. And somehow we found three less active families. It was pretty miraculous! And one called us back that night because we left a note for all those that weren't there! That night we met up with the other Elders and practices for a "how to spread the gospel and help the missionaries during lessons" fireside that we're putting on. There were some skits we had to work through with some members that are helping us.   After that we went to the He family's house. I have found a huge liking for this family. The kids are so adorable. They love talking to me. The younger of the two is 10 years old and we want to help him get baptized. The dad loves softball and has developed a liking for me because I like baseball. He's really nice to us. We're having an FHE with them tonight.
Friday was a good average day of finding new investigators. Not a whole lot happened. Saturday we biked out to one of our furthest away areas. I had only been there once. There were some less actives that we wanted to find. We ended up finding one that was really nice. I've seen him before too! As we were looking for a lady, we found that the numbers of the houses didn't add up. There was a huge gap in the numbers. We asked this lady that owns a store at the corner house if she knew the lady we were looking for. She said she didn't, but she got our information down. As we kept biking, we asked another guy and he took us to that same lady's house. She then gave us a "you caught me!" look. It was her daughter that we were looking for. So she said she'd talk to her. It was an awkward funny moment.
That night we met for the fireside. The ward was really excited for this fireside, so they provided a potluck dinner. It was all so good. Chen mama and her husband also came. They brought steak. It was such good steak. I love steak. For the fireside we talked about sharing the gospel and working with missionaries in unity. We did a demonstration of a good lesson with a member and a bad one. They thought it was so funny. It helped our relationship with the ward a lot.
Sunday the Chen family, Tan Jiemei from China, and the He kids came! It was so good. They all loved church a lot. We sat with the Chen family afterwards and ended up sharing about baptisms for the dead. That really sparked their curiosity. Chen baba asked if Chen mama could do work for his ancestors if she were to get baptized first. That comforted him a lot. I think that will help them agree to letting her get baptized sooner. That night we went around with our ward mission leader and visited some families. It was fun.
That was my week. It was fun. I love you all! Happy Father's Day!! I love you dad! I love all the fathers out there! I'm so thankful for all the men that have helped influenced my life.
Love, Elder Anthony Kai Buckwalter

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