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Monday, October 8, 2012

Taiwan Week 21: Working With The Ward

Dear family and friends,

We were informed of the new missionary ages, and that is SO cool! I honestly think it'll be really weird having Sister missionaries that are my age and younger out here. I'm only used to Sisters that are older than me! And that's so excited for all the young men as well. Taiwanese young men were already able to serve at age 18 because of a military thing that they're all required to do here, so it's really cool that the rest of the world can do it as well! There will definitely be a huge jump in missionary work from this. Get those seniors in our ward out here! Haha

I got the package yesterday (Sunday) because of a delivery problem the day before. So I got it right after I broke my fast. And you best believe I dipped those oreos in that Nutella right away! So good! I loved it so much. Oh and I think I'm good on animal crackers for a while. I still had a bit from the last package left over. Hey, I can dip those in Nutella too! Just thought of that.

This past week has been pretty great and annoying at the same time. We had a lot of people set up on Monday night and they never showed up. We even called them and they said they were on their way. After 15 minutes or so, we would call them again and their phone was turned off. That drives me crazy. So we had to result to our back up plans all night.

Tuesday we had a really amazing lesson with a new investigator. We taught him about the restoration and he had a great interest in the 1st vision. He thought it was absolutely amazing. We also gave him a Book of Mormon and talked about it. He was even more in shock as we told him how it came to be and what it contains. Then when we told him that he can also pray daily to God, he got so excited. I'm really excited to meet with him tomorrow and share more with him. He's such a great guy.

Wednesday we had our Zone Training Meeting. It was really good. This month we're focusing on working with the ward. We've set some new goals for our wards and how we're going to help them get involved. Our Bishop also set up to take us to dinner the following night. That'll help! At English class, we had some pretty low numbers, but we had some new people come as well! Michael came and brought his daughter! They had to leave early for a doctor's appointment, but I was really glad to meet his daughter and talk to him for a bit. The Zone leaders' investigator that has already passed his interview came and loves it. And the Sisters' quickly progressing investigator that they met at English class was there as well.

Thursday we biked out to Qieding to visit the Ke family. They had some friends over who were really cool and welcoming to us. One of them had gone to English class in my last area (Nantou) 15 years ago! They're open to all religions and think it's really cool that the Ke family is liking this church. That night we had dinner with the Bishop, his wife, the Sisters, and a family that just returned from China. It was at a really nice traditional restaurant. Of course we had to try everything that was brought to us. And the Bishop laughed his really awesome wise laugh when I tried to down the fish soup. It was good because we were able to set up a time to meet with him and discuss the ward mission plan. That's also tomorrow.

Friday we had another really sweet lesson with an 18 year old that's just starting college. He's really cool. He showed a great amount of interest as well and is excited to learn more. He said he could come to church, but later had to cancel. But he's still wanting to learn more! We also got to meet with a really cool less active that we've been meeting with for a while. He's really cool. He's trying to come to church, but work always gets in the way. But he said he's going to for sure get this weekend off to come to conference. He likes conference.

Saturday was rough. We had set up 7 lessons all in an hour and a half. So we were going to have to split up and teach all of them as they came, but one by one, they fell apart. It was pretty rough. We had two of them say they were on their way and then never arrive or answer their phone after that. So annoying! But we were able to visit this really amazing member in the ward that's getting ready to go to the temple. I'm so excited for him!! He's got such a genuine heart. And he said he wants to help us visit this less active family in the ward. They were active when he was baptized, and he wants to help re-activate them! That night was also a baptism of an 8 year old boy in the 4th ward. His family is American, so all of it was done in English. It was the weirdest thing to hear the baptism and confirmation in English! Great family though.

Sunday was really great! It started out really rough because a lot of the people that confirmed for church didn't come. But after the first hour, one of our kind of former investigators that we meet with off and on came because he felt like he needed to. And then the Ke family arrived right before Sacrament meeting. And this was the best part: right near the end of the meeting, the Ke dad stands up and is pulled and dragged to the stand by his kids to bear his testimony (also something I haven't seen since being in America). And his testimony was so amazing and so touching! I loved it. It was such a great way to end the meeting.

And that was my week. It was a lot of fun. I'm really excited for this coming week! We've got some really great people that we're meeting with. And I get to watch conference this weekend! I'm so excited! I love conference! I love you all so much. Thank you for all the support and letters that help me push on in the work! Until next week!

Love, Elder Anthony Buckwalter

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Taiwan Week 20: Mid Autumn Festival

Dear family and friends,

Dear dad, this week I'm sad to say I've made some pretty bad choices. I ate fish balls, squid, lobster, shrimp, crab, tuna, something really slimy and chewy that I think resembled whale blubber, and something crunchy and chewy wrapped in bacon. That is what came from the Mid autumn festival and people inviting us to dinner. I'm pretty sure I won't ever get used to eating fish. But they also had some extremely amazing steak and other stuff. It was quite a week of food...

Now, I would first like to tell everyone to not say anything about conference in next week's email! I don't get to watch it here until the 13th and the 14th. You can tell me which talks stood out to you the most, but don't include any details until the following week. Us and the Zone Leaders get to chill in one of the classrooms and watch it in English while everyone else in the two wards at our building get to watch it in the chapel in Chinese.

The week went fast and slow at the same time. I can't tell what it felt more like. Tuesday we had a good District training meeting on how to use "how to begin teaching phrases." It was Elder Smith's first time teaching a meeting and was pretty nervous, but did a pretty good job! And then the long week of being stood up by our investigators started...

Wednesday we did a bit of tracting and searching for less active members. And we pretty much got no results. It was pretty annoying. English was pretty fun though. I just want them to talk more. I thought they'd be more talkative after 6 weeks, but it's pretty much the same. One of them told a funny joke though and I pretty much died of laughter. I haven't heard a joke since I got out here. They don't do that here. No one else thought it was funny. And then some more lessons fell through...

Thursday we biked down to Qieding to visit the Ke family. We really wanted to talk about the word of wisdom and commit the dad as well as get him a baptismal date. But we had no way of wrapping the random Mormon messages they were watching into the word of wisdom. But then they clicked on one about Daniel refusing to eat and drink the king's food. And I just got so excited. We talked about Daniel and how he did all he could to obey God's commandments. In the end, the Ke dad committed to obey the word of wisdom and now has a baptismal date!

That night we got to meet with Jones and David. They're doing really good, but both still have a hard time coming to church. But David said he won't have class because of the holiday. So we were really excited! And then we were stood up some more... We ended the night at Chen dixiongs house. It was really cool hearing his story of how he met the missionaries and got baptized.

Friday we got in contact with Michael and he took us to lunch after weekly planning. It was cool because he is a taxi driver and we got to ride in it. While we were eating, we talked about baptism and got him to set a goal! So we were really excited for that. Then he said he was going to take us for a drive while we talked some more. We thought that was kind of interesting, but ok. Until we realized he was taking us out of our area. So we panicked and said we had to head back. That was funny. That night we went tracting again and met a really cool kid that set up for later this week! I felt good since we were stood up a few more times that night as well...

Saturday was a good finding day. We set up with some really cool people and got to contact a lot of people. And by the way, we hit our mission goal to talk to over 100,000 people! We were also stood up some more, and then went to dinner at a part member family's house. It was really good, and there was a lot of fish...

Sunday got a little stressful before church because everyone that confirmed didn't show up. But then Michael showed up a little late and stayed the whole time! We were about to head up to Sacrament meeting and Kevin hadn't shown up yet. So us and the ward mission leader were panicking. But then he got there a few minutes before. He was so nervous to get confirmed because he didn't want to sit in front of the entire ward. But once the blessing was over and he came to sit back down, he looked so happy. He said it felt so cool and powerful.

That night we had a good search for some less active members and then had a big dinner at another part member family's house. A girl in the family just got back from serving in New York and invited all the missionaries over. She also knows Jordan Egbert. I thought that was pretty cool. Connections through missions! And food was also very good.

That was my week. It was probably one of the most stressful weeks so far because of how many times people didn't come to their appointment, even after they confirmed. I also had to act as senior in a lot of cases because I knew the area and have to get Elder Smith used to it. I didn't realize how stressful that was going to be, having to plan where to go and what to do. But it's getting easier each day as he learns more about the area and can help me decide. I never sleep well at night. I just wake up whenever I turn over and it takes a while to fall back asleep. So my mornings are always pretty rough, but it gets better as the day goes on.

Well I love you all! Thank you for all the love and support! Have a great weekend watching conference! I'm so excited for conference, I just have to wait an extra week...


Love, Elder Anthony Buckwalter