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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Week Eight

Dear Friends and Family,
What a great week this has been! I honestly can't believe another week has gone by. So much has happened since last week. I feel like time is different on a mission. So much happens in such short time, and time flies so fast.
We've had a few baptisms this past week! I had the privilege to interview two investigators for baptism last Wednesday. That has become a favorite thing of mine. It's a little difficult and scary doing it all in Chinese, but hearing them bear testimony and see their faith and change to come unto Christ is so amazing to experience. I'm excited to know that I have a few more interviews this week as well! My testimony has been greatly strengthened through these investigators coming to know that the church is true. So much is happening as my stay at the MTC comes to a close.
Speaking of leaving the MTC, I have some more exciting news. We all got our travel plans last week! It is now set in stone that we're leaving extremely early next Thursday morning, flying to Detroit, and then straight to Taiwan from there. Why we're going out to Detroit just to fly west again, I don't know. But we're all excited anyway. Longer flight! Approximately 17.5 hours I believe. I've also been called to be the travel leader to Taiwan. So I get to be responsible for all the missionaries going to Taichung. Everyone going to Taipei leaves next Tuesday. Our Branch President doesn't know why we're on different days flying to the same airport. It's so weird knowing everyone in my branch is going off to different places now. That will need some getting used to.
To more confirm the travel plans, everyone going to Taichung received a letter yesterday from our Mission President giving us further instruction of what will happen once we arrive. Included was a specific packing list for our backpacks since all our other bags won't arrive for a few days. That made packing a little more complicated. But now I just feel that much closer to leaving!
Since Sunday was Fast Sunday, we had mission conference with everyone at the MTC. That was so exciting! All of the MTC Presidency spoke, as well as the a District President, President Sonne, and his wife. And out of all of the talks, Sister Sonne's talk spoke to me the most. She talked about President Hinkley's 6 pillars of his testimony and how it made him such a strong believer of Christ. And that just makes you think, what are the pillars of my testimony? What do I have a testimony of that no one could convince me otherwise? Pretty deep thing to think about. I challenge all of you to ponder those questions. I absolutely loved hearing how she put it. What a great conference!
Today I had a pretty special opportunity to do a family name for an Elder in my Zone! I thought it was even more special because he is from China and these are all Chinese names. I guess that's proof that work is being done in China. Just in a very special way. It had a special impact on me as I thought back to when I first received my call. I instantly fell in love with the people of Taiwan. And knowing I helped a Chinese ancestor today really helped me grow closer to my mission and the people I'm about to go out and serve. The temple is such an amazing place. The spirit is so strong and I always learn something new.
Since this coming Sunday is Mother's day, mom, I'm sorry but we aren't allowed to call you here at the MTC. But I'll be able to call you at the airport on Thursday! Just a few days late right? So until then, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!! I love you so much! I'm so blessed to have you as my mother! I miss you. Mothers are so great. The world would be kind of stuck in a rut if no one had a mother. Just look at the lost boys on Peter Pan. Everyone needs a mother. And I'm so blessed to have mine!
I love you all! Remember to write and keep me updated on your lives. But remember that next week I'll be heading out to Taiwan. So if you don't have the address, please contact my parents and get it from them. I would give it to you, but I don't have it memorized yet. Oops... Remember, the Lord loves each and every one of us!

Love, Elder Anthony Buckwalter

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