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Sunday, November 4, 2012

Taiwan Week 22: Conference Weekend (for me)

Dear family and friends,

This week has been a lot of fun. We had a great district training meeting on Tuesday on working with members and getting to know the ward more. It'll help a lot since my ward is a bit more reserved than in my last area. It'll be great to work with them even more. After district training meeting, Elder Smith was helping one of the sisters pass off one of her phase 1 lessons, so I got to make a ton of phone calls to referrals and found that a lot of people didn't have interest and didn't want to meet. Bummer... But that night was great because we got to meet with our Bishop and talk about the ward. He gave us a list of people he wanted us to get in contact with that haven't been to church in a while.

Wednesday was Taiwan's birthday/independence day...? I'm not entirely sure. I heard birthday a lot until English that night when one of my students went in full detail of them breaking off from China. I'm still a little confused, but it was a special day for Taiwan! All the government businesses were closed and no one came to English class. It was pretty depressing. We were able to visit a less active that we've been working with though. It's been really hard to figure out what exactly he needs, until he mentioned a list of friends at church that were his good friends. Suddenly a huge opportunity clicked because we now had significant people that could visit him that might have a better influence on him than us two Americans! So we've been working with them and finding out time that they can come with us to visit him.

Thursday we got to bike down to Qieding to visit the Ke family. It was really awesome as we shared the Plan of Salvation. They enjoyed it a lot. And using the scriptures helps so much! We got a little nervous, because we also wanted to talk about the law of tithing. They own a business and that usually is the stopping point for most people that have their own business. So we talked about the blessings God has given their family, especially since starting to learn about the gospel. Then we came in with the law of tithing and asked him if he'd be willing to pay tithing after baptism. With the most sure sounding voice, he said yes! Such a miracle! This family has been well prepared by God.

Friday after weekly planning, we had Zone Leader exchanges. I got to go with Elder Crandall to his area. It was a lot of fun. We saw Elder Smith and Elder Westbrook a lot since we go to the same church building to teach lessons, but it was sweet getting to go around their area and meet some of their investigators. I also got to watch the second half of "The Testaments" with their investigator getting baptized this week! I love that movie! And the kid is so great. We ate dinner with him afterwards as well.

Saturday was conference! I loved it so much. We got to the church to find out that they couldn't get the 1st session in English for some reason, so we watched it in Chinese. A little weird. I was pretty happy to know I could understand most of it though! Us 6 missionaries went in on 2 Costco pizzas for lunch. I love having one of those in our area. And then we got to watch the 2nd and 3rd session in English. I loved it so much. Conference is such a blessing. It's like a spiritual buffet. All the talks were amazing! And that night we got to sit with a less active that we were told to go find. He was really happy to see us because he hadn't seen missionaries in a few years. His little 3 year old girl kept saying she wants to go watch conference. So they said they would come.

Sunday was really great with conference again! I LOVE conference! Everyone was chilling at the church eating lunch between sessions because we only have an hour between sessions. So it was a lot of fun eating with the two wards. Once the final session ended, we had a few meetings. One of them was a huge breakthrough because some of the ward members found a way to get in contact and find one of our recent converts that has completely disappeared. I haven't even met him yet because we haven't been able to get in contact with him. But with the help of the ward and family connections, we found a way. We went to his house that night and talked with his family. He wasn't there again... But at least we found out what his schedule is roughly like. So our chances of finding him has increased! We also had two pretty great lessons last night. One was a first time sit with a referral we got from one of our investigators. And the other one contacted us while we were going to get the pizzas the day before. He's a former of a few years it seems. So we're excited to meet with him more as well!

Well that was pretty much my week! There were some really frustrating times, but it always got better as I just kept pushing forward. That's always what you gotta do! There was a quote from conference, I think one of the Saturday sessions, that I really liked. I can't entirely remember it at the moment, but it's talking about faith. This is what I got from it: "With faith comes a trial of faith, and then an increase of faith." I see that almost everyday out here. Never let a trial overcome you and pull you down. It's through the endurance that the lessons and the blessings are received.

I love you all so much. Thank you so much for the love and support. Thank you for all the letters and updates on your lives. Have a wonderful week!

Love, Elder Anthony Buckwalter

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