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Sunday, December 8, 2013


Dear family and friends,

I'm loving it here in Pingdong. It's just a great city. Last Tuesday was a great day in Gaoxiong for ZTM. Right across the street from the stake center is a plot of land already bought by the church for the Gaoxiong temple. It still can't be built because the church hasn't increased enough in Taiwan. But we went out and stood on it and made the vision. The vision is 5 years get it started. So we talked about what we can do now to make it happen. It was a super sweet ZTM. Then that night our ward mission leader came with us to the Lin family's house. We watched the restoration on their laptop. It was a little hard to hear, but it was still good. They're going to take some time though.

Wednesday we had a lot of lessons fall through, but then a man just walked into the church looking for the missionaries. Turns out he has met missionaries twice in the past 20 years. He knew we could speak English, so he came by to have us review his work's mission statement. Kang Zhe Wei was there as well, and we got into a gospel discussion. He actually really agrees with our church's views. And he set up for tonight! We're really excited to meet with his whole family too.

Thursday we had interviews. President Blickenstaff came here and we had it at our chapel. Half the zone didn't know how to get here, so we had to give directions a lot. But I loved the interviews. President Blickenstaff is really chill and loving. He knows how to help. People in the ward that came by during the day were really happy to see Elder Limpanasriphong as well.
Friday after weekly planning we took a bus all the way out to Sandimen. That's where all the aborigines live. We didn't get a whole lot of luck. It was rough with little energy. We both got a little car sick on the way there. But after a 40 minutes long Indiana Jones ride in the form of a bus, we got back in time for a bishopric meeting. Elder Bardsley and I went to a meeting with the bishopric and a few others over skype. It was really cool. We discussed the needs of the ward and plans to get it done. We're really excited to continue to get the ward involved. During the meeting, Elder Teerlink and Elder Lieske met with James and shared the plan of salvation. It really hit him. He said he had doubts 7 years ago and didn't get baptized. Now he knows he needs to get over those doubts and get baptized. He set a date and is really determined to get baptized now!

Saturday we met with a super cool guy for lunch. His name is Ben. He is fluent in English and German. He went to college somewhere near Dusseldorf. He's Taiwanese by the way. He came prepared with questions and had already downloaded the gospel library onto his phone. It was so sweet. He's starting a masters program and can only meet once every two weeks. So it'll be hard to meet with him, but he's way willing.  That afternoon we stopped by the Lin family's house to give them a loving note, but they were home and let us in. We had a good talk. They're slowly getting into the habit of reading and praying. We set up with them for tomorrow to have our 2nd counselor's family come over and share the plan of salvation.   That night the other Elders had a baptism. He's a really cool guy. It was a good baptism.

Sunday was just a good day. Our man Oliver came for sacrament meeting. That was it though. That night we got to meet with an RC and he's just adorable. He's really old and just so jolly. Then we met with an LA that is really loving as well. And boy can he pray. It was General Conference status. He has a huge love for the gospel, but has to take his mom to her church on Sunday because she's Catholic. It's rough. But he's trying.

And today we have a very busy day. We're running all over the place. And Casper from Yuanlin is here with his wife! He was an RC while I was there. He met a girl at the Single adult conference and now they're sealed in the temple! She used to live here, so we're getting lunch with them. It'll be a good day.

I love you all! I miss you all. Keep the faith!
Love, Elder Anthony Kai Buckwalter

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