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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Taiwan Week 45: Super Huge EARTHQUAKE!

Dear family and friends,

To start out, you'll never believe where I am right now!! I moved to Xihu in the Zhanghua zone. And ELDER SPENCER GREER is my new companion!! So epic. I just about lost it when I found out. I'm way excited to be out here. It's still the same stake as Yuanlin and Nantou. So if I'm still here for stake conference, I'll get to see a ton of old friends. But that's not until August I think. So we'll have to see. I'm also District leader and English leader. How did that happen?! I'm so excited, and also nervous. It's already a humbling experience.

As for last week, I had an interesting exchange from Monday night at 9:00 to Tuesday night. Since Elder Taylor was going trainer, he couldn't do a normal exchange on Tuesday to Wednesday because of a trainer meeting on Wednesday, and he was picking up his new companion on Friday. So we had a really sweet exchange. It was a lot of fun. We formed a new way of practice teaching that no one has ever heard of before. It's really sweet and gets you to see in the eyes of the missionary, investigator, and peike. It takes some getting used to, but it's really effective. We used it in teaching for DTM.

We met with Jack that night and really just talked a lot. We ate dinner with him right before. It really helped build our relationship with him. And he suddenly got really open with us. It helped us a lot to see where he is and we were able to set a new goal with him! It was a really great experience.

Wednesday we had a super huge EARTHQUAKE!! I just learned that it was a 6.1? Something like that. We were still in our apartment and it was so crazy. The biggest one I, and I think every missionary here, have ever experienced. We were being thrown around. Big things were getting tipped over and we lost our power for a bit. We had to make our emergency calls to make sure everyone was alright. Then we were told that if we had any cracks in our apartment, we had to get out because it might not be structurally sound. So that was quite the experience. A few missionary apartments are a under inspection now.   That night we had an interestingly small amount of English Students. I was really surprised. But there's testing and the annual sweeping of the graves all across Taiwan going on. So it was expected.

Thursday is a big blur to me right now. It was a good day though. We watched "On the Lord's Errand" with Jack. He liked it a lot and says he for sure believes that he's been called of God. Super good!

Friday was when the crazy started. Since Elder Taylor is now training (which by the way is Elder Wudrow that went to Timpanogos high school and knows Nathan and a ton of other of my friends), Elder Vandiford got kicked out and was living with us. That day for lunch, we were taken to this really fancy steak restaurant by a man named Brother Gibbs that comes back to Taiwan every year and takes the missionaries out in Yuanlin. His wife has all the missionaries sign a book. Inside is a picture of Chase Gluch. Oh the connections! But yeah Brother Gibbs is really sweet. He's super friendly and served here in the 80's. It was way good. Then we had zone leader exchanges. So Elder Lathen went with Elder White and Elder Fiso (who also got kicked out of Nantou 3 days early because his companion is now training), and Elder Kasner (Super sweet guy from Canada) came here with me and Elder Vandiford. We then biked out to Beidou and had a super sweet lesson. Then went even further to Xizhou, which I have never been to before, and met with another really sweet kid. Then we booked it home, 1.5 hour bike ride, and had our basketball activity with a bunch of investigators. It was super fun.

Saturday we had some more really great lessons. We just had a ton of investigators that could suddenly meet. It was amazing. Then we switched back. That night Zhu Zhang Qi came back from Taoyuan and helped Peike with Jack. It was a really good lesson. That night we got move call and I found out that I was moving here and Elder Greer is going to be my companion.

Sunday was a sad day of goodbye's to the ward. After being there for 5 months, I'm going to miss it. We had a great FHE and a family that somehow got our number called us and said they wanted to come check out our church. They came and are now super excited to meet with us. It was a super sweet miracle! We ended the week with 10 people with baptismal goals. I'm so excited for all of them!

And that was my week. It's been so crazy. I'm now in the middle of a ton of fields. It's really peaceful out here. We're in a 4 man. The other two are Taiwanese and one just barely started his mission and is being trained. It's going to be very fun. I'm way excited.

I love you all! I haven't gotten the package yet. Possibly due to me moving. And I'm so glad. I have no room left in my bags. I need to send a package home. Thank you for all the letters of support! I'm trying to write back as fast as I can. I struggle sometimes. But I love you! Until next week.


Love, Elder Anthony Kai Buckwalter

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