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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Taiwan Week 44: Nothing Like South Africa

Dear family and friends,
This week was all over the place! To start off, on Monday night I didn't realized that I had a ton of former investigator records in their plastic sleeves all over my bed before I got in bed. So I kept waking up feeling this really cold plastic feeling on my legs and I couldn't figure out why. It wasn't until the alarm went off that I realized what it was. That was a bad night. Tuesday we got to meet with our ward clerk to give him new updates on less active addresses and numbers that we've found out in the past 6 months. Now we have this new ward list for me to start marking up! I love highlighters now. Never saw that coming. That night we got to meet with one of our recent converts in the area that has gone less active because her parents want her to focus on studies. We ate dinner with her. She wants to come so much, but her parents want her to focus for testing that's coming up. So we're trying to find ways to help her. She's doing really well though.

Wednesday we got to meet with Ken, one of our progressing investigators. After that lesson, I re realized the importance of reading and praying to become converted. If you don't, you're not going to be feeling the Spirit testify the truth to you. It takes your personal effort as well. It's not just going to come to you. And everyone needs to do it. Even members.

After that we had a specialized training. Zhanghua zone and part of Jiayi zone came to our building with all our zone to get training from President Bishop and the Assistants. I don't know if I told you, but Elder Allen, my trainer, and Elder Hoer, Elder Terry's trainer (I came on with Elder Terry), are the Assistants! It was so good. There has been a lot of change to how they want to have the first meeting with investigators go. They commanded us to "cast out the old ways!" It still goes in line with Preach My Gospel, but the assistants have gathered a ton of stats of investigators that didn't meet after the 1st meeting and all they're reasons as to why the lesson didn't go well. And they created a 3 step process that is just easy to follow and creates a better connection between the investigator and the missionaries. I loved it so much!

That night we had English. Since Zhu Zhang Qi moved to Taoyuan (still super depressed), the Sisters asked their recent convert to become the doorman. So I was training her. Halfway through the night, she brought up that she couldn't do it every week because she has work. So I'm looking for another doorman again! Haha. It was a really good night though. We're getting a few regulars that are starting to bring their whole family!

Thursday we went out to Tianwei and Beidou for the whole day. We were going to go all the way out to Xizhou, which I've never been to, but the lessons out there cancelled. But we got to meet with a really cool former and are now getting to meet with him again! I'm hoping to get his whole family involved as well. They all seem to have a little background with meeting missionaries. While we were in Beidou about to head home, I had a flat tire and there was nowhere to fix it! We were walking around everywhere to find a shop and finally found one after a half hour. So we had to speed home to make it to our amazing Jack!  We finished all the commandments with him and went over the Baptismal interview questions. He's so good.

Friday we had a long afternoon with a lot of investigators not making their appointments. But that night Zhu Zhang Qi came back and we had dinner with him! I've got some Juicy news! But it's still up in the air, so I'll get back you on that for a few months. But it's so cool! Yeah, you have to wait.

Saturday we got to meet some really great people at 7-11's that are meeting with us tonight! It was so great. That night Jack had his baptismal interview and passed! It was so great! I'm so excited for him. He's a little nervous though.  After that we were tracting and got inside with a really nice family with a dad that is an English teacher! They're all really cool. I hope we get to meet with them again.

Sunday was really crazy. Jack wasn't answering his phone in the morning, so we booked it to his house to wake him up or something. His grandma said he went to the factories where he works. We were so confused. And he never made it to church. So his goal dropped... So depressing. We got a hold of him later and his explanation was a little hard to follow, but we're getting to meet with him tomorrow night! Also after Sacrament meeting, we were getting ready to start Gospel Principles class and the Sisters brought in their investigator who brought these 4 South African women that have lived here for 3 years teaching English. They don't speak Chinese though, so I translated the whole lesson into English. The Sisters in our area only speak Chinese, and the South Africans don't want to go all the way up to Taizhong for the English Branch. So we might be teaching some South African Woman! That'll be exciting. 

Then while calling through all our investigators, I came up to one that the wife answered last time and wouldn't give the phone to her husband. So I was preparing myself to work with her. To my surprise, some American answered? He said we might have hit a wrong number by mistake, but I quadruple checked and it was right. It was so confusing. A few minutes later, he called back and said he wanted to donate a bunch of his white shirts and ties to missionaries. He actually knows the missionaries pretty well where he lives in Taidong, which is part of the Taibei mission. I was in a weird shock. I was baffled. I was smeckledorfed! (get the reference?) It was quite an end to the week! And today a bunch of us in the zone went to Monkey Mountain again. Elder Taylor is training, as well as a bunch of other missionaries that are going on their 15th transfer. So they'll train and then go home. A big group is coming on.

I love you all! I miss you all! Next week with be the start of the next transfer. Who knows if I'll still be in Yuanlin or in some other random area. Please keep in contact! I love letters. The church is so true!

Love, Elder Anthony Kai Buckwalter

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