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Monday, July 2, 2012

Taiwan Week 7

Dear friends and family,
What an insane week! Last Tuesday as we were getting ready for companionship study (us and the zone leaders sing together and we're singing every hymn in the book in order), they randomly said we need to sing Elder Gulas' favorite song. Which is also the song we were planning to sing at the baptism the coming Saturday. We were a little confused, but we went all out. Then he started hugging us. Nothing like getting hugged from a model. Haha. Then they finally told us he was going Assistant to the President and leaves the next morning! It's so great! But we all miss him like crazy. We got up a little early on Wednesday and he gave us all Taiwanese hair cuts so we can carry on the handsome look in Nantou. And it's actually not that bad. And we're actually getting a lot of compliments. The only weird thing is that it looks a lot like an American 80's haircut. But we like it.
The problem with him leaving on Wednesday is that move day wasn't until today. So Elder Muhlestein's new companion didn't come until today. So we were in a tripanionship until today. That's a little hard covering two areas. Especially since our city is 30 minutes away. So we had to separate the days by areas. We spent the rest of Wednesday in Caotun. And that night for English class, it was party night. And Elder Allen and I wore suits that are between 30 and 40 years old that he got from one of his recent converts in the ward. It was so awesome.
Then we spent Thursday in Nantou. Each day we had a good amount of lessons. Monday night we met with our investigating family and they said the weren't too sure about being baptized on Saturday because of the baibai problem with the husbands parents. and then on Thursday night, they said they want to do a little more praying about it first because at times it feels like they want to be baptized for the missionaries. And we don't want that! So we're happy for them for wanting to be baptized for the right reasons. And they're still really willing to be baptized. They just don't feel ready yet.
Friday was in Caotun and we were able to meet with a lot of their progressing investigators. We also met with one of their families who they really like and it got so interesting. Our time had pretty much run out and the wife had a lot of questions for our peikes that came. They were husband and wife, also converts, so the investigator wife had many questions for them. Soon they started only speaking in Taiwanese. And at that point I was pretty lost. Elder Allen described Taiwanese perfectly. If you listen to someone just talk in Taiwanese for a long time, it starts to sound like the language of the Ewoks on Star Wars. Pretty awesome if you ask me. So I'm still giving my all to follow Chinese, and now she decided to switch it up. And every so often, she'd stop and ask us three missionaries if we understood. I was as involved in that conversation as a pile of dirt. But Elder Muhlestein, who is now on his final move call, had learned a little Taiwanese and said he understood a little bit. So all the adults would laugh and start talking even faster. It was so interesting.
Saturday was pretty interesting because we had to go to Yuanlin so Elder Muhlestein could interview someone to be baptized. It was very interesting having to help do zone leader stuff as well. But it was really fun. BUT not as great as that night as we got ready for a BAPTISM! So great! Recent converts wife was ready and so excited! We did a little practice using a chair in font because she's really pregnant and can't risk going back like a normal baptism. She felt really comfortable with the chair. And It was seriously such an amazing baptism. The spirit was so strong. And most of the ward was there since there was a ward activity that day and it ended right before the baptism. It was absolutely adorable seeing husband baptizing wife. So precious! And then us three missionaries sang a musical number of "How Great Thou Art" that we arranged A Capella. And we must have sounded pretty good. We thought we did, and we got a ton of compliments from the ward and family that came to the baptism. The Sister who was baptized really liked it and was smiling the whole time. What a great night!
At church the next day she was confirmed and even more happy than the night before. It was a really great day at church. Like half the testimonies given were about the baptism the night before and how amazing it was. They all loved it. It was a good Sabbath day. And this ward choir that started up a few weeks ago is really coming together. None of us really know what it's for still, but we think it might be for a stake talent show in a month or so. I really have no idea. But we're sounding good now!
Today we went to Yuanlin again today to pick up Elder Ostvig, Elder Muhlesteins new companion and the new zone leader. He seems pretty cool. Most of the Elders in the zone met there and we all ate at Subway. SO delicious! I missed it so much.
Well I love you all! Thank you for the emails. I'm pretty sad that I missed the anniversary party and now the reunion. But Happy Anniversary Grandma and Grandpa! It's been a great 19 years on my part in this family! Hope the reunion is a blast! I love you all. Please stay safe from the fires. Most people here are caught up on the news of the world. So when they ask where we're from, they tell us anything that's happening in Utah. It sounds pretty serious. Be safe! Remember, the Lord loves each and every one of His Children.
Love, Elder Anthony Buckwalter


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